Steel slag fertilizer was applied at a rate of 200 and 400 g m −2, which led to an increased yield of about 8% for the rice planted compared with the rice planted without the slag fertilizer application; this increase extended another 4% when the applied amount of slag was doubled (Gao et al., 2015). Steel slag, however, contains trace ...
The hypotheses that may primarily determine how the slag amendment affects rhizosphere microbial community and ecosystem services are, (1) as a rich source of fertilizer components, the slag ...
slag increased effectiveness of phosphatic guano for direct application as P fertilizer. Phosphatic guano was significantly ... Pemanfaatan Steel Slag Indonesia di bidang pertanian. J. Tanah Lingk., 12(1):36-42. Pemanfaatan Steel Slag Indonesia (Suwarno) 37 serta pembersih kapal, tangki penimbun minyak, dan lain-
1. Introduction. Steel slag is the main solid waste generated in the steel-making process, accounting for 15 to 20% of crude steel output [1].China's crude steel output in 2021 was 1.035 billion tons [2], more than half of the global crude steel output (1.9505 billion tons) [3], and the steel slag output exceeded 120 million tons.In contrast, …
Five inorganic materials (steel slag, silica gel, electric furnace slag, fly ash and Japanese silica fertilizer) and six organic materials (rice husk-biochar, rice straw compost, media of mushroom, cacao shell-biochar, rice husk-ash and elephant
The feasibility of steel slag used as an iron fertilizer was studied in a pot experiment with corn. Slag alone or acidified slag was added to two Fe-deficient calcareous soils at different rates ...
Abstract. Five inorganic materials (steel slag, silica gel, electric furnace slag, fly ash and Japanese silica fertilizer) and six organic materials (rice husk-biochar, rice straw compost, media of mushroom, cacao shell-biochar, rice husk-ash and elephant grass), were evaluated as Si fertilizer sources for rice plants (Oryza sativa L.) in two soil types (red …
Most soils in Indonesia need soil ameliorant material. There are various ameliorant materials that can improve soil properties. ... Si, Mg, P, Mn, and Fe contents (Ito 2015). In studies on the determination of the efficiency of using steel slag as Fe fertilizer, it has been revealed that very significant increases in yield and plant Fe intake ...
The steel slag fertilizer was applied as the basic fertilizer in each season before rice transplanting. First, steel slag fertilizer was incorporated well with 5.0 kg soil in each plastic pot. These pots were incubated for 30 days after addition of slags and watered daily with distilled water to maintain 2–3 cm submergence throughout the ...
Steel slag, a by-product of the steel industry, is already used in fertilizer manufacturing and registered as silicate fertilizer in Japan because of its high iron, …
World Steel Association aims to achieve zero waste in the steel industry by reusing and recycling steel slag. Using the slag in other areas reduces the amount of waste, disposal costs, and energy use.
The effective utilization of slag fertilizer in agriculture to neutralize soil acidity, improve crop productivity, mitigate greenhouse gas emissions, and stabilize heavy metals in contaminated ...
As a material, effect of Indonesian steel slag on growth of plant was slightly better than those of calcite and dolomite. In combination with phosphatic guano, Indonesian …
Effects of steel slag applications on CH 4, N 2 O and the yields of Indonesian rice fields: a case study during two consecutive rice-growing seasons at two sites May 2015 Soil Science and Plant ...
ORIGINAL ARTICLE Silicon elution from three types of steel slag fertilizers in a paddy field analyzed by electron probe micro-analyzer (EPMA) Kimio ITO1, Koichi ENDOH2, Yutaka SHIRATORI3 and Kazuyuki INUBUSHI4 1Advanced Technology Research Laboratories, Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation, 20-1 Shintomi, …
The effective utilization of slag fertilizer in agriculture to neutralize soil acidity, improve crop productivity, mitigate greenhouse gas emissions, and stabilize heavy metals in …
Steel slag, an unavoidable by-product in iron and steel production, may soon finds its way into agricultural land as soil nutrient, potentially cutting down India's dependence on fertiliser imports.
Looking at the merits and associated benefits, some of the top steel-producing countries have adopted or upgraded with a recycling technique of steel slags from time to time for various applications (as shown in Fig. 3), such as for road construction, soil enrichment, cement production, etc. Notably, recycling steel slag for a particular …
This study aimed to observe the use of steel slag in agriculture as fertilizer, lime and ameliorant in the soils. The method used was the experimental design used steel slag …
steel slag for agriculture as lime and fertilizer. The consideration they used in applying steel slag ... Steel slag in Indonesia has been used limited in research field, for example for soybeans (Glycine max L. Merr.) and sorghum (Sorghum vulgare Pers.). Lime can increase pH of Ultisols from pH of 5.5 to 6.5. Steel slag used as lime gave a ...
The images of three steel slag accelerants were characterized by SEM analysis (E-supplementary data for this work can be found in e-version of this paper online). All steel slag particles showed irregular morphologies: some particles were spherical, some were lumpy, and many were irregularly shaped, as shown in the images of three steel …
This paper aimed to discuss the use of steel slag in agriculture as fertilizer, lime and ameliorant in the soils. The content of elements and compounds in steel slag is the basic component...
In studies on the determination of the efficiency of using steel slag as Fe fertilizer, it has been revealed that very significant increases in yield and plant Fe intake are achieved …
Krakatau Steel Indonesia. The size of t he steel slag was ranged . from gravel (2-4 mm) ... This paper aimed to discuss the use of steel slag in agriculture as fertilizer, lime and ameliorant in ...
Pedosphere 16(4): 519-524, 2006 @ 2006 Soil Science Society of China Published by Elsevier Limited and Science Press ISSN 1002-0160/CN 32-1315/P Steel Slag as an Iron Fertilizer for Corn Growth ...
The effective utilization of slag fertilizer in agriculture to neutralize soil acidity, improve crop productivity, mitigate greenhouse gas emissions, and stabilize heavy …
Steel slag is the by-product during the separation of molten steel from impurities in the steel-making furnace. The basic oxygen furnace (BOF) slag, electric arc furnace (EAF) slag, and ladle furnace (LF) slag are three major types of SS produced in the steelmaking processes.As drawn in Fig. 2, BOF slag and EAF slag are both produced …
About Us. Based on accumulated experience in the steel byproduct recycling business in the domestic steel industry, we run blag furnace slag and steel slag, factory scale business and recycle business at PT.Krakatau Posco steel plant.
production of iron and steel slag in Europe in 2008 was of 45.6 million tonnes1 and decreased in 2009 and 2010 only due to the steel production slow down caused by the ... slags are mainly used for road construction, hydraulic engineering, and fertilizer, BF slag is mainly used for cement production 2. 1 Source: European Slag Association, EUROSLAG